10 Free Strategy Sessions 
with a global positioning & strategy expert

Do you have the ambition to jump to a next level with your company/brand?
Learn during a free session what your low hanging fruit is to improve your organizational performance

This is meant for you, if you are a CEO, VP or director
in the life science, healthcare or service industry, and:

  • You are not happy yet with your turnover and want a break-through to the next level 
  • You want to make a difference in the lives of people
  • You are serious to take steps to make a difference in your market
  • You are willing to invest in the growth of your company/brand

If you are in a different market and want to transform the industry or add value to the well being of people you are welcome, too.

In this session we will share valuable information

  • We will give you a professional new perspective on your situation
  • You will get a view on potential opportunities
  • You will feel supported and challenged
  • You will get new ideas and inspiration what you can do to grow your company
  • The steps that you can take will be crystal clear

We will use the Senz Scan, which will reveal refreshing insights and hidden potential in your organization.

We are looking forward to giving you ideas
how to break-through to a next sales level!

You can register yourself for a FREE session with Karin van Zuilen,
global strategy & positioning expert.
For more than 25 years she has been active in this field and made 5 products the global market leader in highly competitive markets.

The session takes one hour and takes place in your office (preferably) or another agreed location; just what you prefer

This strategy session is free of charge. We would like to start a conversation with you if you are serious about wanting to take steps with your company. You will not 

In order to qualify for this free session, please fill in the form.

We are looking forward to your registration.

With strategic greetings, Karin van Zuilen

P.S. Is your business not matching your expectations yet? It helps to start a discussion. You will get new inspiration and ideas. Don’t hesitate to apply for a session. Register now. The number of sessions is limited.

Yes, I am interested in a FREE Strategy Session